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To overcome the first-come-first-served (FCFS) guaranteed time slot (GTS) policy of IEEE 802.1.5.4 based network, an adaptive and real-time GTS allocation scheme (ART-GAS) is proposed in [27]. Here, the bandwidth utilization of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC for time-critical applications was improved. It used a two-stage approach, where the first stage dynamically assigned the priorities of all devices. In the second stage, the GTS was allocated to the nodes according to the assigned priorities. An analysis of the GTS allocation mechanism was done in [28] for time-critical applications based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. A Markov chain was considered to model the GTS allocation for designing various efficient GTS allocation schemes. In [29], real-time applications with periodic data are guaranteed with a reduced the packet drop rate. This algorithm can be used for only GTS allocation and it does not have any effect on the data packets in the contention access period (CAP). The tele-medicine protocol (TMP) defined in [30] is a MAC protocol suitable for patient monitoring applications which need limited delay and reasonable reliability. The duty cycle is varied with respect to three parameters like delay-reliability factor, traffic load, and superframe duration. The protocol is designed based on three computation methods like network traffic estimation, channel access, and collision probabilities and delay-reliability factor. It shows the efficacy in terms of delay, reliability and efficient energy consumption. A number of routing protocols are proposed and studied for routing the packets from source node to the sink node based on the tree structure. In [31], a routing protocol for low-power and lossy (RPL) Network is introduced where two routers along with interconnecting devices are restrained. It is based on IPv6 protocol which supports multipoint-to-point and point-to-point traffic within the lossy networks. It discusses the topologies like destination-oriented directed acyclic graphs (DODAGs), their upward and downward routes, security mechanisms, and fault management. A velocity energy-efficient and link-aware cluster-tree (VELCT) is proposed in [32] which provides reliable data collection scheme in sensor networks. Cluster head location is utilized to construct the data collection tree (DCT). It minimizes the energy consumption of the cluster head with less frequent cluster formation. It is well suitable for mobility based sensor networks. In [33], a cluster based routing protocol is introduced to extend the network lifetime of sensor networks. The energy of all nodes is balanced to prolong the lifetime of the network. It utilized a spanning tree to send heterogeneous data to the base station. A tree-based routing protocol (TBRP) is discussed in [34] for mobile sensor networks. It enhanced the node’s lifetime by considering different energy levels in the tree. Here, the lowest energy level consumes high energy and highest level consumes less energy. Whenever a node attained a critical level of energy, it saves the energy by moving into the next energy level. The tree formation and routing of packets are influenced by the link reliability and the co-existence issues in the network. For context-aware WBAN, it has to coexist with a number of wireless networks. The paper [35] discussed the characteristics of the physical layer in a smart environment. The experiment characterized on-body and off-body channels. The author had come up with some concerns for physical layer protocol design. In [36], the co-channel interference in WBAN is addressed where it has to co-exist within smart environments operating in the same frequency band. It also discussed the fading characteristics of mobile WBAN. The measurements for inter-body interference between two WBANs are also explained. The reliability, fault-tolerant, and interference mitigation schemes are presented in [37]. The term reliability is expressed in terms of quality of the link and the efficiency of the communication. A detailed explanation about different types of interference and coexistence is also included. A decentralized time-synchronized channel swapping (DT-SCS) protocol is presented in [38] to overcome the shortcomings of time-synchronized channel hopping (TSCH) in ad hoc networks. These protocols were designed for collision-free and interference avoiding communications. The TSCH and its variants need centralized coordination technique for time-frequency slotting in networks. It resulted in slow convergence to the steady state during mobility. Hence, Dt-SCS was introduced with a decentralized concept based on the coupling of distributed synchronization and desynchronization mechanisms. All the existing aforementioned approaches mainly concentrated on any one of the QoS aspects at a time, whereas a combined set of QoS parameter optimization is necessary for WBAN medical applications Additionally, most of the MAC protocols based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard concentrated on any one of the MAC aspects for the protocol design. Most of the schemes used data traffic and traffic priority for the analysis. Also, the developed protocols attained their objectives by adjusting the CAP/CFP in the superframe structure, which has its own limitations in terms of bandwidth and number of devices used. The comparative survey of different routing protocols for WBAN medical applications is summarized in [39]., イグナイトクラシック ビットコインスロット. The porous weave is evident on both wearing and observation Similar to Oni’s previous extra-low tension 14 oz fabric, you can observe some light passing through the denim when you hold these jeans up towards the sun. 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